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Global Business Trust membership is a privilege granted to businesses and organisations that meet our accreditation standards. Every member must complete a comprehensive evaluation process designed to ensure that members meet high standards of trust, ethical behaviour, and customer service.  Our members agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the GBT Code of Business Practices and the seven principles set forth therein.

1. GBT Accreditation Standards 

  1. Demonstrate business expertise in the provision or sale of products or services offered.  Applicants must have at least 12 months of relevant experience offering and selling the products or services that it is presently offering, or otherwise demonstrate that its principals have previous demonstrable business experience satisfactory to GBT.                                 

  2. Fulfill legal requirements for conducting its business in jurisdiction.  This includes possession of all licenses required to conduct the business, and any other requirements such as bonding and building permits, and the like necessary for to conduct their accredited business legally.                                                                                           

  3. Pass a background check at the time of application.                                                                                                   

  4. Demonstrate that the applicant has no pending government action, outstanding claims, or litigation demonstrating unethical behavior or other wise indicating that the applicant does not/ will not adhere to our Code of Ethics or Code of Practice. ​                                                                                                                       

  5. Provide all additional information or references required by GBT within time specified.

  6. Undertake to meet and to honor all applicable standards within our Code of Ethics and this Code of Business Practices in the future. Failure to do so may result in a member’s disqualification or other sanctions.​                         

  7. Agree to alternate dispute resolution proceedings, including mandatory mediation and/or arbitration​.                                                                        

  8. Agree to honor any settlements, agreements or orders reached as an outcome of a GBT mandated dispute resolution proceeding. ​                                                                                                                                          

  9. Complete the required application, accurately update company information when required, and pay all monetary obligations in a timely manner.


2. GBT Vetting Process

  1. Business Practices: GBT reviews the company’s operational history, including whether the business adheres to its industry’s best practices and ethical standards.                                                                                                                                  

  2. Complaint and Customer Service Record: GBT examines the business’s complaint history, including how complaints have been handled and resolved. Consistent and unresolved complaints could negatively impact the accreditation process.                                                                                                                                                   

  3. Advertising and Marketing Review: The business’s advertising practices are assessed to ensure they are truthful, transparent, and not misleading. The GBT expects businesses to avoid deceptive or exaggerated claims.              

  4. Financial Stability (Optional): While not required for all businesses, the GBT may look at financial information to verify the company’s ability to meet its financial obligations.                                                                                    

  5. Ownership and Transparency: The business must provide full disclosure of its ownership, management, and all operational locations. Transparency is critical to GBT’s vetting process.​                                                                                        

3. GBT Code of Business Practices          

                                                                                                                                                                  Accredited Members should operate their businesses, adhering to the codified business practice guidelines outlined below. As a global company, we have sought to make such guidelines universal. As such they contain a compilation of the best business practice guidelines selected from those of leading advocates for establishing trust in business internationally, including the Better Business Bureau Code of Practice, European Code of Conduct, Code of Practice Internet, Roux Roundtable, and the like.  Accredited Members are obligated to:

A  Operate Transparently. Accredited businesses engaged in commerce of goods and services must furnish the following information which has to be easily, directly and permanently accessible to potential customers visiting its website or business place:

  1. Name of the company; 

  2. Registered office;

  3. Information on how and where the company can be contacted; including its e-mail address, opening hours and telephone numbers(s) and the like.

  4. Name of the register and of the company's company registration number, should the company be registered in a commercial or any other public register

  5. VAT identification (or other tax info required by law if applicable)

  6. The elements of identification and the contact details of the competent supervisory authority, if the activity performed is subject to concession, license or authorisation.

B. Sell Transparently and Honestly. Accredited businesses are obligated to disclose all relevant sales information to customers:

  1. All relevant sales terms shall be clearly disclosed (in writing where possible) including any guarantees or warranties; any disclaimers, restrictions or limitations imposed, any return/refund policy, any recurring commitment into which the customer may be entering into, including information on how future billing will occur; total cost of the transaction, including tax, shipping and handling, and other related charges.                               

  2. If selling products or providing services on website or via other electronic means, provide required product labeling information, disclose the nature and terms of shipping, including any known delays or shortages of stock, provide an opportunity to review and confirm the transaction before the sale is completed and provide a receipt summarizing the transaction after the transaction or purchase.​                                                                       

  3. Advertise honestly and accurately. All advertising should be truthful and accurate, and follow standards mandated by local law, regulations, and of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Code of Practice Advertising and Marketing which GBT has adopted and made part of its own Code of Practice and will adhere to itself.  If self-regulatory programs are in place in relevant community to set standards or resolve advertising complaints, then accredited members agree to adhere to these standards and comply with such ADR procedures. Members should avoid misleading customers by creating the false impression of sponsorship, endorsement, popularity, trustworthiness, product quality or business size through the misuse of logos, trust marks, pictures, testimonials, or other means.

  4. Be honest and truthful at all times with customers, clients, and in other third party dealings. Honestly represent products and services, including the provision of clear and adequate disclosures of all material terms.  Make known all material facts in both written and verbal representations, remembering that misrepresentation may result not only from direct statements but by omitting or obscuring relevant facts.  Ensure that any written materials are readily available, clear, accurate and complete. Avoid conflict of interest where possible, or disclose them specifically. Avoid the appearance of impropriety.                                                                            ​

  5. Make only the commitments that can be reasonably honored, and abide by promises, commitments, and contracts. All promises should honored during preliminary discussions and thereafter. Details relating to contracts should be fully disclosed, including items that are included in the agreement, but not specified in writing (implied terms). Fulfill obligations under contract in both the spirit and letter of the law.  Honor representations by acknowledging and correcting mistakes as quickly as possible.


C. Resolve Disputes and Complaints When Possible. Make a good faith effort to resolve disputes and    customers complaints promptly and fairly.

  1. Complaint made by customer to GBT. When complaint is made formally to GBT and forwarded to member, member will provide a response within 10 days that is professional, addresses all of the issues, includes evidence supporting its position, and explains why relief sought cannot or should not be granted. Member (and complainants) shall follow the procedures and prompts provided by GBT on it website to resolve the matter.         

  2. Mediation. If Complaint cannot be resolved between the parties with the assistance of GBT, then member will mediate the dispute in good faith if requested by GBT.                                                                                          

  3. Arbitration.  Member will adhere to other alternate dispute resolution options, including arbitration, when other efforts to resolve a dispute have failed. Member will be subject to binding arbitration with other members if GBT recommends such alternate dispute resolution, subject to GBT ADR rules if applicable. 


GBT may consider a business’ willingness to participate in recommended dispute resolution options in determining compliance with these standards.

D. Honor and Comply with any Settlements, Agreements, Awards or Decisions reached as an outcome of a GBT alternative dispute resolution process, or any other ADR proceedings or court having jurisdiction over the subject matter of the dispute. .


E. Honor Stakeholders Rights. Members recognize that sustained prosperity, self regulation, and the future growth of the capitalistic system can only be achieved through ethical dealings with respective stakeholders, including: customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers, and communities. Such obligations reflect and honor the CRT principles for global businesses embodied in our Code of Ethics. 


  1. Duty to Customers. Members shall treat customers with respect and dignity, providing high quality products and services as ordered or purchased. Treat customers fairly in all aspects, ensure that their products protect their health and safety, and do not have harmful environmental impacts. Members shall respect the human rights and culture of customers in the way products and services are offered, marketed, and advertised.                                

  2. Duty to Employees. Members shall treat every employee with dignity and respect their interests. Members shall make reasonable efforts to provide employment and working conditions that contributes to improved living standards, and protect each employee's living standards and wellbeing. Members shall be open and honest with employees, and listen in good faith to employee complaints and issues. Members will avoid discriminatory practices, providing equal treatment, opportunity and pay in areas of gender, age, race, and religion and avoid illicit or abusive child labor practices. Assist in developing skills, and support disabled employment where such individuals can by productive.  Be sensitive to the impacts of unemployment and work with governments, employee groups, unions and other agencies in addressing employee dislocations.                                                

  3. Duty to Shareholders. Members should act with care and loyalty towards its shareholders and in good faith for the best interests of the corporation. This includes applying professional and diligent management in order to secure fair, sustainable and competitive returns on shareholder investments, and conserve and increase shareholder values. Management shall provide full disclosure, and respect shareholder views.                                

  4. Duty to Suppliers and Subcontractors.  Members should act responsibly to its suppliers and subcontractors, acting with fairness and mutual respect. Members should ensure that their business activities with them are free from coercion and threats, and encourage and prefer suppliers whose employment practices respect human rights and dignity. Members should prefer suppliers whose environmental practices meet best practice standards.                                                                                                                                                              

  5. Duty to Competitors. Members shall engage in fair competitive practices that foster open markets for trade and investment, promote socially and environmentally responsible behavior, and demonstrates mutual respect among competitors. Members will respect both tangible and intellectual property rights, and not participate in anti-competitive arrangements, acquire commercial information through dishonest or unethical means, or make illegal payments to secure competitive advantage.                                                                                                           

  6. Duty to Communities.  As a global corporate citizen, member will contribute to good public policy and to human rights in the communities in which it operates. Members will promote harmonious relations between business and government and other segments of society, promote sustainable development, and collaborate with community initiatives seeking to raise standards of health, education, workplace safety and economic well-being. Members will respect the rule of law, respect social diversity including local cultures and minority communities, and be a good corporate citizen though ongoing community investment and support for employee participation in community and civic affairs.


F. Protect the Privacy of Clients. Due to the continued development of a global business marketplace where private information of individuals is acquired directly and indirectly by businesses for their own commercial purposes, members should make good faith efforts to protect the privacy of customers and clients. This would include:


  1. Automated Processing. Personal data which is subject to any form of automated processing shall be obtained fairly and within the limitations set national legal and ethical provisions, stored for specified legitimate purposes within the scope of the member's business activities and not be used in any way incompatible with those purposes, processed appropriately, relevantly and with respect of the required confidentiality and specified wishes of consumers concerning the use of their personal data and temporary stored and kept up to date and no longer than required within the member's commercial activities and according to administrative obligations.          

  2. Right of information, access and rectification. The member must be able to provide to those whose personal data has been collected, any information requested concerning the processing of such data and the means to access and rectify them.                                                                                                                                                    

  3. Right to refuse. The customer or client shall have the opportunity to object to the communication to third parties of data concerning him. The member shall respect the customer's or client's wish not to receive commercial mail, telephone calls, e-mail and the like, irrespective whether such a wish was directly expressed to the member or through a national Preference Service or equivalent body in the country of customer.                                             

  4. Confidentiality of the communications. The member ensures that the service provider which gains access or stores information on a client's terminal equipment has given prior clear information about the purpose of any such activities to the client and has also given him the opportunity to refuse such activities. .The member ensures that the service provider erases clients' traffic data when they are no longer needed for the transmission of a communication. The service provider may only store traffic data beyond this point only if it is necessary for billing purposes.

This Code of Practice is designed to guide our members as to their ethical obligations and to self-regulate their business activities in their community. Our Code of Ethics and Code of Practices set forth essential ethical principles and obligations of members. As we are building local ethical business communities in over 40 countries and seeking to link our members together, we will strive to make our Code of Practice as uniform as possible in all jurisdictions, despite language and cultural differences.

5. Ongoing Monitoring:


Once accredited, businesses must continue to meet GBT’s standards. GBT monitors accredited businesses by reviewing new complaints, government actions, or changes in business operations.  If a business fails to meet the standards, the GBT can revoke its accreditation.     


6. GBT Seal of Accreditation:


Once accredited, businesses are allowed to display the GBT Accredited Business Seal, which signals to consumers and partners that the business has been vetted and meets GBT’s high standards for ethics and customer care.  This accreditation process not only gives consumers confidence in working with businesses but also helps companies build trust and credibility in the marketplace.

Ensuring Trust, Elevating Standards.

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© 2024 by Global Business Trust

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Kurhausstrasse 65, 8032

Zürich, Switzerland



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